The group focuses on the study topics in superconductivity, magnetism, and materials science. The group manages the magnetic measurements laboratory equipped with the Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID magnetometer) and the Physical Properties Measuring System (PPMS). The materials of our interest are transition metal based oxides, magnetoelectric materials, ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic oxides, High-Tc superconductors, MgB2, iron pnictides/selinades, lithium based oxides, magnetic nanoparticles, and magnetic inorganic molecules.

Our research is focused on understanding high-temperature superconductivity, the mixed valence problem, magneto-resistive materials, metal-insulator transitions the charge ordering phenomenon, electronic phase separation, charge/spin density waves, propagation of the electromagnetic waves in magnetized ferrites and molecular magnetism. He investigates the above systems using global and local

magnetic measurements, x-ray and neutron diffraction data, Mossbauer, NMR and
EPR spectroscopes.
In addition, significant research effort has been devoted for studies in vortex dynamics and vortex matter phase diagram of type II superconductors. The magnetic properties of the superconductors are studied using several experimental techniques including local magnetization and ac/dc-susceptibility measurements using microscopic Hall sensors and bulk probes, and SQUID bulk magnetic measurements.

I have also worked in the field of non-destructive evaluation (magnetism-based crack detection methods), and the magnetic characterization of industrial magnetic steels and pharmaceutical compounds containing magnetic phases.

I have also worked in the field of non-destructive evaluation (magnetism-based crack detection methods), and the magnetic characterization of industrial magnetic steels and pharmaceutical compounds containing magnetic phases.